Friday, August 23, 2013

The first of the fantasy Series

The first of the fantasy series I photographed was based on a dark fairytale named Flitcher's Bird, by the Grimm Brothers. You can read it here:

The story is dark and creepy but has a strong female that finds her way out of her dire situation and fly's away. I tried to evoke, the mystery, darkness, and determination of the subject as she made her escape from the dark. This story had a personal meaning for my subject and she evoked the raw emotions, not holding back and creating some haunting evocative images.

Fantasy Photography: here are some of the highlights from that photoshoot.

Please visit my website for more images:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fantasy Ethereal Photography

Recently I had the pleasure of working with my favorite client again. She was starting a new path in life and I had been thinking I would love to do a whole new and different photo shoot with her. I proposed a new idea I had been thinking of. Would she like to do an ethereal photo shoot? Not only did she jump at the chance but she took the ball and started rolling with it. Unbeknownst to me, this was one of her desires to do a unique and out of the box photo shoot. Our minds were synced on this idea. What can I say, great minds think alike!!

This was my first time shooting in this genre. But I was up for the challenge. My job was made very easy however, with my client bringing in large talent, beautiful looks and of course the best makeup and costume designs. All these traits combined to produce, what I think are, amazing and truly expressive and provocative images. I am posting some highlights tonight. Over the next few evenings, I shall explain the beautiful and haunting stories behind each character.

A big thanks to Maryna Matlock and her wonderful and very helpful mother, Barbara Matlock. You made this possible.

Please visit my website for many more images.

Just a few of my favorites:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My First Venture Into the Blogosphere

As I venture forth into this unknown realm, I only ask for patience and an open mind as I plug forward to create a page for the world to feast their eyes upon....ok, maybe a few people! Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Jamileh Miller. It sounds like Amelia but with a J. I have a passion for photography. My life did revolve around it until I was blessed with two beautiful, bouncy and bubbly children. My life now revolves around them and photography. I hope you join me as we explore the beautiful world of stills and capturing a great moment that will forever sit in our hearts and minds.